Line Marking Projects approach to Sustainability

A core value at Line Marking Projects is sustainability and the journey to zero waste. Sustainability to us means providing value to our customers, delivering our services in a safe and environmentally responsible manner, helping our people to be better, and advancing the communities in which we operate.

We are committed to reducing the environmental impact of our business activities through the development and implementation of innovative solutions and continually improving business practices. We are committed to meeting and exceeding our environmental compliance obligations.

Our environmental policy is based on the following five principles.

  1. Environmental sustainability is everyone’s responsibility.

    Environmental sustainability is everyone’s responsibility Putting sustainability first requires everyone to play a part. This starts with leadership’s commitment to effective environmental action and everyone in the team to take responsibility.

    We understand the importance of providing all of our team with appropriate environmental training and awareness. We work with our suppliers to encourage responsible practise within our value chain.

  2. Measurable and meaningful

    We are continuously looking to improve our products, services, and systems to ensure they exceed our customers’ expectations by monitoring progress and reporting against a set of objectives and targets.

    We will focus on issues that have the greatest reductions on our impact - greenhouse gas emissions, waste, and use of potable water.

  3. Commitment to continual improvement, environmental protection, and pollution prevention

    We are committed to continuously improving our environmental performance and will continue to look at ways to reduce greenhouse gases, reduce waste and reduce potable water consumption across our value chain.

  4. Innovation for improvements

    We will continue to look for innovative solutions to reduce our impact on the environment.

  5. Compliance obligations

    We are committed to operating in compliance with all applicable regulatory requirements, codes of practise and voluntary agreements in a manner that protects the environment, our people, our associates, and our customers.